Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Last First Day of College

So as some of you know or even if you don't, I am a full time college student by day! And today marks my first day of my final semester or my last first day of college. So to celebrate, I thought I would share with you all my top five tips for surviving college/ university! These are things that I found have personally helped more or are things that I learned while going through this journey.

Tip 1: Use an Agenda

Everyone seems to offer this advice but it seriously does work! I am personally a pen and paper sorta gal but if you prefer the technology route it will still help keep track of all the assignments and tests you have going on. It also helps you keep track of other important dates like when your tuition is due or when exam grades will be released. I'm personally using the Mambi Happy Planner right now but I have loved the Kate Spade agendas in the past.

Tip 2: Use a To Do List

This can go hand in hand with tip 1. I always like making a to do list, especially on a super busy day because it helps me feel less stressed and I can visibly see what I need to get done. Also, it always feels great to mark things off a  to do list on a busy day. I personally write my to do list on a post it note but there are apps for this too.

Tip 3: Don't be Afraid to Take a Day Off

Some days the stress of assignments and tests can get to much and it is perfectly fine to take a day off. However, if the stress is always too much, it is also important to seek help from a professional. I know my school offers a counselling services so make sure to check if your school does too.

Tip 4: Ask for Help

This goes with tip 3. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your professors especially about concepts you don't understand. Or ask your professors to look over an assignment to make sure you are on the right track. Also, don't be afraid to ask your friends to look over your work or to edit things for you. And again, don't be afraid to ask for professional if you need it.

Tip 5: Enjoy it

Yes there will be stressful times and yes sometimes you won't do as well on an assignment as you thought. But all of this is okay! Enjoy every moment of this journey! Meet new people, attend things you never thought you would, take a course you wouldn't normally pick and just enjoy every moment you can because it goes by quick.

I hope these tips help you or someone you know who is in college/university! Please share some of your tips for surviving college/university in the comments! Also, there are a ton of resources to help you even when you are done school. For example,  Earnest can help you out financially and even refinance your student loans (if you have any.)

Stay beautiful,

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